square_eye: No me'n recordo de tot / No me acuerdo de todo / I don't remember everything
square_eye: La pintora pintada / The painted painter
square_eye: aniloM .O
square_eye: No hay prisa
square_eye: Lovely grandmother ;)
square_eye: Bad times / Mals temps / Malos tiempos
square_eye: Underground density
square_eye: Orquestra simfònica de Sant Cugat
square_eye: Azules Salamanca
square_eye: Jumping D Belingo
square_eye: Vespa D Belingo
square_eye: The Newspaper in the Door
square_eye: Ahhhh
square_eye: La presó de la moda (5/5)
square_eye: SEGOVIA des de tu punto de vista
square_eye: 9:40 Barcelona
square_eye: 8:25 AM Barcelona
square_eye: El pensament d'una nena
square_eye: El pa amb tomàquet d'abans
square_eye: Amistat / Friendship
square_eye: Amsterdam
square_eye: Tiempos pasados fueron mejores
square_eye: La porta del capità
square_eye: The teacher
square_eye: Dawa, Chime & Tenam (tibetan people)
square_eye: "Promise" playing his old guitar for me
square_eye: Himalayas far away (Nepal)
square_eye: Himalayas des de Poon Hill (Nepal).
square_eye: I don't want to say Namaste (Nepal)
square_eye: A present for you (Nepal)