Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Claude Monet (1840–1926), Wisteria, 1917–1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), The Lamb, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), Before the Festivity, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), Red Oval, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Francis Picabia (1879–1953), Tableau Rastadada, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Max Ernst (1891–1976), Plate IV from Let There Be Fashion, Down With Art (Fiat modes pereat ars), 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Max Ernst (1891–1976), Plate VII from Let There Be Fashion, Down With Art (Fiat modes pereat ars), 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), Large Railway Painting, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), Tilled Fields Painting, c. 1920–1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Theo van Doesburg (1883–1931), Composition XX, 1920
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Piet Mondrian (1872–1944), Composition, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Piet Mondrian (1872–1944), Lozenge Composition with Yellow, Black, Blue, Red, and Gray, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), Circle Segments, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), Yellow Circle, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), Revolving House, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), The Beginnings of a Smile, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), Runner at the Goal, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), The Angler, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944), Circles on Black, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948), Merzbild 32 A. The Cherry Picture, 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Max Ernst (1891–1976), Approaching Puberty... (The Pleiades), 1921
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Francis Picabia (1879–1953), Fuel Pump, 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Paul Klee (1879–1940), Plants in Moonlight, 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969), Glass Skyscraper project (View of lost model), 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), D IV, 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Peinture (Compotier, bouteille et paquet de cigarettes), 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Citron et verre, 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: El Lissitzky (1890–1941), Composition, 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: El Lissitzky (1890–1941), Proun Composition, c. 1922
Tulip Hysteria / Go to albums: Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948), Mz 442, 1922