World War 2 Photos:
General Dwight D. Eisenhower speaks with 1st Lt. Wallace C. Strobel, "Easy" Company, 2nd Battalion, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles", around 20h30 at RAF Greenham Common, Newbury, UK. 5 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Paratroopers of "Charlie" Company, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles", with Pvt. James Flanagan holding a Nazi flag captured in the village of Marmion Farm, near Ravenoville, Normandy, France. 8 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Fallschirmjägers armed with MG 42, from 6. Fallschirmjägerregiment. This Regiment were subordinated to 17. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Götz von Berlichingen' around Carentan. This photo was shot in Caen, Normandy, France. 21 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
"Pegasus Bridge" spanning the Orne Canal was captured by British 6th Airborne Division in the first minutes of D-Day. A Bedford 4x4 engineer's truck is returning from the airborne HQ area to secure supplies from Sword Beach. Bénouville. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
A young SS-Schütze of SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25, 12. SS-Panzerdivision 'Hitlerjugend' armed with a MG 42, photographed by SS-Kriegsberichter Woscidlo, looks at him with a faraway look and tired. Caen, Normandy. June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
These GIs from 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division "The Big Red One", watched activity ashore on Easy Red sector, Omaha Beach, while his LCVP approaches the shore. Normandy, France. 6 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
German column of the 1. SS-Panzer-Division 'Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler' devastated by direct fire from 57mm guns of the AT Platoon of Sergeant Miller, 120th IR, U.S. 30th ID "Old Hickory". l'Abbaye Blanche, near Mortain, Normandy. 12 August 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Soldiers of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division guarding the first German POWs to be captured on Juno Beach. These prisoners, captured during the assault, were evacuated to England along with Canadian wounded. Bernières-sur-Mer, Normandy. 6 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
At the Carrefour de la Bascule, GI observe a M10 Tank Destroyer from "Baker" Company, 803rd Tank Destroyer Bn. opened fire against german positions. This M10 is going to pull a shell of empty casings on the ground, near Saint-Lô, Normandy. 18 July 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
M4 Shermans of 3rd Armored Division, 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion probably at the intersection of La Bruyère, 61150 Lougé-sur-Maire, 5 Kilometers in the south of Fromentel, Basse-Normandie. August 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Soldiers of 7th Reconnaissance Regt., 17th Duke of York's Royal Canadian Hussars from Montreal, around armoured cars, photografied at St. Peter's Square in front of the ruins of the hotel Escoville. Caen, France. 19 July 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
After landing in the early morning, enginners of the 299th Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Infantry Division, seek shelter from German machine-gun fire in shallow water behind "Czech hedgehog" obstacles, Easy Red sector, Omaha Beach, Normandy. 6 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Lt. Col. Robert L. Wolverton (KIA 06.06.1944), CO of the 3rd Bn, 506th PIR, 101st Airborne Division, and his Headquarter, check the equipment before boarding their C-47 "Dakota", 8Y-S, "Stoy Hora", 440th Troop Carrier Squadron. Exeter, UK. 5 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
German Offiziers of the 21. Panzer-Division consult a map on the side of an Sd.Kfz. 251/1. The Leutnant, using white hat and awarded with a Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse (Iron Cross 1st Class), is a veteran of Deutsches Afrikakorps. Caen, France. 21 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Three dead Fallschirmjägers from 3. Battalion, Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6, laying on a road near Sainteny, 8 Km in the southwest of Carentan, Normandy; note the Schiwmmwagen VW Type 166, side two GIs of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division. 7 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
SS-Panzergranadiers of SS-Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 17, 17. SS-Panzergrenadier Division 'Götz von Berlichingen', heavily armed and ready to engaged in combat the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division near Carentan, Normandy. 11 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
GIs of 22nd Infantry Regiment(?), 4th Infantry Division "Ivy Division", resting for few moments outside a cafe in Baudienville, village lies just under 2,5 Km NE of Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France. 7 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Panther Ausf.G of 12. SS-PzD 'Hitlerjugend' knocked out by Canadian soldiers of the Regina Rifle Regiment's, using PIATs destroyed during the fierce fighting overnight in the village of Bretteville-l’Orgueilleuse, 10 Km of Caen, Normandy. 8 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Paratroopers of 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division "Screaming Eagles" in a german VW type 82 'Kübelwagen' at the crossroads of the street Holgate and RN 13 (actually street of the 101st Airborne), Carentan, Normandy, France. 14 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
M4 Sherman of the 27th Armoured Regiment coverage soldiers of Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal of 2nd Canadian ID. They advancing cautiously through the rue des Ursulines in Falaise during Operation Tractable. Normandy. France. 17 August 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Under WN-60 at the foot of the cliff Colleville-sur-Mer, Fox Red sector of Omaha Beach, a MG team, one of 3 Heavy Weapon Co, probably "Mike" Co, 3rd Bn, 16th RCT of the 1st Infantry Division "The Big Red One", leave the beach. 6 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
GIs of 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division "Blue Ridge" rest in the ruins of Argentan, rue de la Poterie, sitting at the foot of a Panther Ausf.G destroyed belongs to the II. / Panzer-Rgt. 33 of 9. Pz-Division. 21 August 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
SS-Sturmmann Otto Funk, photographied after an assault. He was from SS-Aufklärungs Kompanie 15, III Zug, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25 at Rots, who were to follow up the attack at Norrey-en-Bessin by the Panthers of 3. Panzerkompanie. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Left to right: SS-Unterscharführer Koslowski, SS-Sturmmann (?), SS-Obersturmbannführer Max Wünsche (with bandage), SS-Schütze (?), SS-Sturmmann Otto Funk and SS-Hauptscharführer Wilhelm Boigk, after attack at Norrey-en-Bessin. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Soldiers of SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25, with the SS-Schütze Ernst Molter, armed with Kar98K Schießbecher (grenade launcher) in the foreground and SS-Schütze Klaus Schuh with his MG 42, resting in a small street in Rots, Normandy. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
SS-Schütze Klaus Schuh (KIA 26.06.1944) and SS-Unterscharführer Koslowski, of SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25, 12. SS-Panzerdivision 'Hitlerjugend' after the fierce fightings in Norrey-en-Bessin. Rots, northwest at Caen, Normandy. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
SS-Sturmmann Otto Funk (WIA 26.06.1944), SS-Aufklärungs Kompanie 15, carrying ammo box for MG 42 of SS-Schütze Klaus Schuh, photographied beside another ammo-man, SS-Sturmmann (?), around 2:30 pm in Rots, Normandy. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
SS-Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop, 3. Kompanie, I./SS-PzRgt 12 in the sidecar and driving the motorcycle is SS-Obersturmbannführer Max Wünsche, Rgt. Komm. of SS-PzRgt 12, after visited the survivors of III Zug 15/25 in Rots, Normandy. 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Panther of 3. Panzerkompanie I./SS-PzRgt 12, after attack made in the end of morning at Norrey-en-Bessin, commanded by an Heer officer, Hauptmann Lüdemann (KIA 14.06.1944) who replaced SS-Hauptsturmführer von Ribbentrop (WIA 03.06.1944). 9 June 1944.
World War 2 Photos:
Panther Ausf.G "326" of 3. Panzerkompanie I./SS-PzRgt 12, commanded by SS-Unterscharführer Frederick Eismann (KIA 09.06.1944) during attack at Norrey-en-Bessin, is cleaning for crew in the street of Rots. 9 June 1944.