Spyderella: Leblanc Meneses: .NET Parsing Expression Grammar
Spyderella: Cori Drew: What made git click for me
Spyderella: Cori Drew illuminates the internals of git
Spyderella: Mary Chauvin: CTXGiveCamp.org
Spyderella: Mahendra Mavani: WCF dependency inversion
Spyderella: Jonathan Birkholz: Drop your cukes for specs
Spyderella: Chris Missal: on{x} scripting for Android phones
Spyderella: Patrick Lioi: Write a JSON parser in 5 minutes
Spyderella: Josh Arnold: fubu new
Spyderella: Audience
Spyderella: Ryan Rauh: Huboard, a kanban board for github issues
Spyderella: Paul Herrera: Test first, test last?
Spyderella: Kassandra Perch: Node + Sublime Text 2 as awesome dev environment
Spyderella: Blake McCabe: VirtualBox virtual machines
Spyderella: Casey Gum: Netduino
Spyderella: Casey Gum has a tub full of robots!
Spyderella: Alper Sunar: iPhone and Android development without a Mac
Spyderella: Cori Drew: Gadgeteer
Spyderella: Paul Drew: Home automation with Vera