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Antarctic and Southern Ocean Wildlife by S Walker
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S Walker
Young fur seal, Penguin Island
S Walker
Imperial Cormorant
S Walker
Humpback whale, Foyn Harbour
S Walker
Chinstrap penguins, Orne Bay
S Walker
Weddell Seal, Orne Bay
S Walker
Juvenile Kelp Gull, Fish Islands
S Walker
Adelie Penguin, Fish Islands
S Walker
Gentoo Penguin, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Juvenile Skua, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Leopard Seal, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Leopard Seal, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Leopard Seal, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Leopard Seal, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Leopard Seal, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Antarctic Tern, Pleneau Island
S Walker
Porpoising penguins, Pleneau
S Walker
Penguin highway, Port Charcot
S Walker
Gentoo penguins porpoise beside the ship
S Walker
Black-browed albatross
S Walker
Light-mantled sooty albatross
S Walker
Elephant seal, Shingle Cove
S Walker
S Walker
Macaroni Penguin, Cooper Bay, South Georgia
S Walker
Juvenile Kelp Gull
S Walker
Southern Giant Petrel
S Walker
Wilson's Storm Petrel
S Walker
Antarctic Tern, Juvenile
S Walker
Snowy Sheathbill
S Walker
King Penguin
S Walker
King penguin colony, St. Andrews Bay
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