S Walker: The Muirhead Tower
S Walker: The Muirhead Tower
S Walker: The Muirhead Tower
S Walker: The Muirhead Tower
S Walker: Outside Stafff House and the shops
S Walker: View of the campus from the library
S Walker: The Poynting Blue Plaque
S Walker: Red bricks and Clock Tower
S Walker: Big Joe from the Bramall Music Building
S Walker: Bramall Music Building
S Walker: Music students practising
S Walker: Music students practising
S Walker: Music students practising
S Walker: The Campus as seen from the playing fields
S Walker: The Campus as seen from the playing fields
S Walker: Campus view including the Clock Tower
S Walker: The Library
S Walker: Campus view including the Clock Tower
S Walker: Campus view including the Clock Tower
S Walker: The University Library
S Walker: The new Mason Hall
S Walker: More Physics Blue Plaques
S Walker: Staircase
S Walker: Staircase
S Walker: Foyer of the Bramall Music Building
S Walker: Music Blue Plaques
S Walker: The new Bramall Music Building
S Walker: Evening sunshine on the Aston Webb buildings
S Walker: Evening sunshine on the Great Hall windows
S Walker: Big Joe in eveningsunshine