S Walker: Nuthatch grabbing a snack
S Walker: Bluetit bathing
S Walker: Bluetits and Great tit
S Walker: Robin, bathing
S Walker: Bluetits having a splash
S Walker: Bluetit in the jacuzzi
S Walker: Bluetit
S Walker: Great tit and Bluetit bathing
S Walker: A pair of goldfinches
S Walker: Greenfinch (Mrs)
S Walker: Male Greater Spotted Woodpecker
S Walker: Nuthatch
S Walker: Robin on a rope
S Walker: A crow watches balefully
S Walker: Long-tailed tit
S Walker: Poised, ready
S Walker: Greenfinches
S Walker: Jackdaws sneaking a few seeds
S Walker: Thrush having a bath
S Walker: Rose-Ringed Parakeet
S Walker: Collared dove
S Walker: A pair of collared doves
S Walker: Chaffinch (Mr)
S Walker: Dunnock (we think)
S Walker: An interloper!
S Walker: The Woodpecker returns
S Walker: Bluetit - Juvenile
S Walker: Woodpecker - juvenile