S Walker: French Brothers Bray Royale
S Walker: Spectators' boats
S Walker: Drinking the Loyal Toast
S Walker: Standing for the Loyal Toast
S Walker: The Dyers' Swan Marker
S Walker: The Queen's Swan marker
S Walker: An interested crowd looks on
S Walker: Entering Romney Lock
S Walker: Cygnets awaiting release
S Walker: Cygnets awaiting release
S Walker: Cygnets awaiting release
S Walker: Waiting patiently for release
S Walker: Assessing the health of the swans
S Walker: Weighing a cygnet
S Walker: Queued up for assessing
S Walker: It works better if you can hold their wings to their flanks!
S Walker: In action again
S Walker: The flotilla passes under a bridge
S Walker: The Flotilla passes under a bridge
S Walker: The Flotilla passes under a bridge
S Walker: Swan Lifeline materials
S Walker: Proceeding to Old Windsor Lock
S Walker: Proceeding to Old Windsor Lock
S Walker: An interested bystander
S Walker: Once more forming into a flotilla
S Walker: And now - to seek the next brood
S Walker: The family are all released at once
S Walker: The family are all released at once
S Walker: Preaing to release
S Walker: Wendy Hermon, from Swan Lifeline, asesses health