OceanBaby-in-SLC: 52/365 Atlas
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 62/365 Dance like No one is watching
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 85/365 A little fire is quickly trodden out, which, being suffer'd, rivers cannot quench. - William Shakespeare
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 86/365 "Look deep inside nature, then you will understand everything better." -Albert Einstein
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 89/365 “Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” -Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 99/365 "And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain, Thrilled me -- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before." -Edgar Allen Poe
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 100/365 "Real loss only occurs when you lose something you love more than yourself"
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 101/365 No Name Face
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 104/365 7 Deadly Sins
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 106/365 rejected
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 110/365 Jack The Ripper
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 112/365 Atlas
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 113/365 Medusa
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 114/365 Aphrodite
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 115/365 Athena
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 118/365 The Fates
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 119/365 Hermes
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 127/365 I've gone PRO!!!
OceanBaby-in-SLC: 130/365 Trapped
OceanBaby-in-SLC: Pregnant Mermaid
OceanBaby-in-SLC: snow white