SpunkyGidget: Museo Sefardi, Toledo, España
SpunkyGidget: Crests and Heralds as Sign Posts along the Roadway
SpunkyGidget: Museo Sefardi, Toledo, España
SpunkyGidget: Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.
SpunkyGidget: Cultural Artistic places for Prayer, Study and Meeting
SpunkyGidget: Christ returning for the Bride mirrors Kiddushim
SpunkyGidget: Torah: Communication with God, not an Intellectual Exercise
SpunkyGidget: Vespasian (66–73 CE) and Hadrian's (132–136 CE) Jewish Wars
SpunkyGidget: Integrating Jewish Communities into Catholicism
SpunkyGidget: Peace to Israel and to us and to our children. Amen.
SpunkyGidget: Pandering in Politics
SpunkyGidget: Get Baptized or Die, Synagogues Converted into Churches
SpunkyGidget: Praising Military Might: "God will Open / the King will enter in"
SpunkyGidget: In Spain: Hebrew, Arabic Cufic scripts
SpunkyGidget: Expulsion
SpunkyGidget: Culture
SpunkyGidget: Coexistence of Jews and Christians
SpunkyGidget: Sefardí means 'a Jew, native of Spain'
SpunkyGidget: JudeoEspañol, Jidió, Judesmo or Español, Jaquetía, Ladino.
SpunkyGidget: Meam loez (Jacob Julí 1732 -)
SpunkyGidget: Literature Formulated in a Hispanic language, written in Alijamía using letters of Hebrew alphabet (graphical representation not the language)
SpunkyGidget: Expulsion here, expulsion there... every where an explusion
SpunkyGidget: Bibliography
SpunkyGidget: My Aviary-Edited Photo