Sam Pullara: Anna, Maya, Lucy and Joshua
Sam Pullara: Joshua and Lucy waiting for the ferris wheel
Sam Pullara: Anna, Lucy and Joshua
Sam Pullara: Me, Anna and Maya going into Toy Story 3D
Sam Pullara: Anna at California Screaming
Sam Pullara: Anna and I waiting for California Screaming on a magic morning
Sam Pullara: Joshua and me on the rocket ship
Sam Pullara: Joshua on the rocket ship
Sam Pullara: Joshua and I on the carousel
Sam Pullara: Me and Maya on the carousel
Sam Pullara: Me and Joshua in bumper cars
Sam Pullara: Anna and Maya eating bread at Bayou
Sam Pullara: Me at Bayou
Sam Pullara: Joshua and me on the ship
Sam Pullara: Maya and me on the ferris wheel
Sam Pullara: Anna, Lucy and Joshua on the ferris wheel
Sam Pullara: Anna, Lucy, Maya and Joshua wait for World of Color
Sam Pullara: Joshua, Lucy and me
Sam Pullara: Cheers Joshua!
Sam Pullara: Anna and Joshua
Sam Pullara: Anna and me on the Grizzly
Sam Pullara: Anna, Maya, Joshua and Lucy in Carland
Sam Pullara: Joshua and Anna
Sam Pullara: Joshua and Maya