skw9413: 81213-001, Ornamental Fence
skw9413: 81213-004, Among The Big Guns
skw9413: 81213-006, Yellow Fire Hydrant
skw9413: 81213-007, Info Sign
skw9413: 81213-008, The Historic Johnston Barn & Windmill
skw9413: 81213-009, The Historic Johnston FArm House Museum
skw9413: 81213-010, The Historic Johnston Barn
skw9413: 81213-020, Iowa State Capitol Building
skw9413: 81213-021, Outstanding Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument
skw9413: 81213-022, Iowa State Capitol & Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument
skw9413: 81213-023, Base of The Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument
skw9413: 81213-025, But It's Art, Dear
skw9413: 81213-031, Senator Allison Monument
skw9413: 81213-036, American Revolution War & Signers of the Declaration of Independance Memorial
skw9413: 81213-043, Korean War Memorial
skw9413: 81213-048, Iowa State Capitol Building
skw9413: 81213-050, Iowa State Historical Memorial & Arts Building
skw9413: 81213-035, The Iowa Judicial Branch Building
skw9413: 81213-034, Iowa Capitol Grounds Monument
skw9413: 81213-056, The Iowa State Capitol Building
skw9413: 81213-064, Looking Up-Iowa State Capitol Building
skw9413: 81213-066, Chandalier in Supreme Court Room
skw9413: 81213-071, Nine Kinds of Marble
skw9413: 81213-072, Intricate Hand Rails
skw9413: 81213-074, Interior of The Iowa State Capitol Building
skw9413: 81213-077, Inlaid Mosaic Tile Art
skw9413: 81213-078, Iowa State Senate Chamber
skw9413: 81213-086, The Iowa State Capitol's Law Library
skw9413: 81213-087, Law Library In The Iowa State Capitol
skw9413: 81213-091, Mosaic Art