spudart: My window and awards
spudart: Start of Summer 2015: Michigan Ave Bridge raising for boats, as shot through a crystal
spudart: Start of Summer 2013 Chicago
spudart: FUN AT WORK: Let's see how long this airplane fan can fly
spudart: Do you think some planes intentionally leave contrails? CONTRAIL THRUSTER ENGAGE
spudart: My view never gets old
spudart: Yes, that's snow. I am so EXCITED! Bring it on!
spudart: Peak of Michigan Avenue Bridge while raised
spudart: Bridge opening letting more sailboats by
spudart: Twisting the floating by the raising
spudart: Summer has started! The Chicago River bridges are opening for boats
spudart: Looking out my window wanting to send a letter via rocket launcher (a nice letter, not a mean one)
spudart: Giant monster spider invades Chicago
spudart: Fireworks on Michigan Avenue bridge for Blackhawks celebration
spudart: Aerial view of Blackhawks Stanley Cup celebration parade
spudart: The official start of summer! The Chicago bridges are being raised for sailboats
spudart: According to chicagobreakingnews.com there's supposedly someone in the Chicago River. I don't see anyone, do you?
spudart: Two whales found in Chicago River
spudart: Window washer silhouetting on my window @tribunetower
spudart: Today's Thursday, right? The boats are going by and they are supposed to do that on Wednesday
spudart: One big sign being held up by 23 protestors reads, "Hold banks accountable! Reclaim America"
spudart: Hold Banks Accountable protest crosses Michigan Avenue bridge. I think they are chanting "WE'RE HERE. WE'RE WEIRD." SRSLY!
spudart: iPhone pano of sailboats on Chicago River
spudart: By rotating my iPhone, I made the Michigan Avenue bridge into a ski jump.
spudart: Vertical panorama of the boats that just went by the raised Michigan Avenue bridge
spudart: Michigan Avenue bridge being raised again for the sailboats
spudart: Fall is officially here. The boats are traveling west on the Chicago River, raising the Michigan Avenue bridge
spudart: The view from my window of Parachute and Mat Kearney performing in Pioneer Court @wscs
spudart: 30,000 ducks to be dropped into Chicago River in one hour
spudart: Moved to the desk by the window (in Tribune Tower 14th floor). This is my window view now