spudart: Artwork falling out of its envelope, asks to be used.
spudart: The 25 Ewoks of Twitter
spudart: The names of 16 homeless trees
spudart: When I look up at ceiling tiles, I want to make them into artworks
spudart: Would this building let me...
spudart: The stars fell onto a tree
spudart: Bite-sized Earth air
spudart: Ice waiting to be frozen
spudart: Frosting on a limestone-layered cake
spudart: The best candy to eat while enjoying a Supermoon lunar eclipse
spudart: Slot car racing
spudart: Crumbled paper sometimes comes from my pockets; other times my pockets yield origami butterflies
spudart: I have an urge to transplant urban weeds into a planter by my desk and say, this plant came from downtown.
spudart: About to become butterflies
spudart: I want to fill these grooves with sentences
spudart: A3 is my codename for Coca-Cola. "Give me some of that A3!"
spudart: I just had to point out to the @walgreens cashier how great the Reeses bag matches my brown bag.
spudart: Asteroid
spudart: 7-Eleven's newest branding: minimalist
spudart: I still separate out state quarters to save them
spudart: Guess what caused this line of snow to remain
spudart: Octopus suction cup boot prints!
spudart: Two days until this is torn down
spudart: Moonrocks
spudart: Shiny snow, Shiny cars
spudart: I almost brought my bat with me to vote
spudart: My last time voting in Chicago
spudart: I only buy ice cream when the temps are in the single digits
spudart: Snow so high, skip over this bench
spudart: Autobot at the library!