spudart: I like the yellow & blue reflections in the water
spudart: I like how this light pole has fun curly leaves
spudart: I like bike racks with old worn-out stickers
spudart: I like old ornamental light fixtures
spudart: I like metal identification plates
spudart: I like graffiti in the form of the Chicago flag
spudart: I like see-through elevators
spudart: Apple announces iTable at new Apple Store in Chicago's Lincoln Park
spudart: I like bright yellow leaves
spudart: I like how leaves crawl up next to trees
spudart: I like Adam & Eve leaves
spudart: I like how the leaves match this pole
spudart: I like weeping willows
spudart: I like overly blue water caps
spudart: I like hills of sand
spudart: I like seeing my footprints left behind from doing a photoshoot
spudart: I like algae on piers
spudart: I like giant-sized chocolate chips
spudart: I like caution lights
spudart: I like floral architectural details
spudart: I like obscure historical landmark signs
spudart: I like concrete logos
spudart: I like cheese
spudart: I like maps that look like aliens (welcome to San Francisco, earthling)
spudart: Me like Frankie cookie (me am tasty!)
spudart: I like giant rolls of aluminum foil (chocolate chip cookies, anyone?)
spudart: I like giant carrots with multiple eyes (the almighty all-seeing carrot)
spudart: I like stripe-wearing glass (next season will be polka dots)
spudart: I like concrete koi (one of the hardiest of fish)
spudart: I like striped AND polka-dot sidewalks (FYI the gum spots are the polka dots)