spudart: Spinning on the CTA bus 146
spudart: The Berwyn red line beach stop. Lots of sand!
spudart: I like having sawdust on my boots. Reminds me of being the sculpture lab technician in college
spudart: Biking to Target to pick up life's staples: soy milk and toilet paper
spudart: Mike Fioritto kick-started the shoe button suggestions by giving me my first button. Thanks Mike!
spudart: Please recommend a URL to an image that would be cool for a button for my shoes. Tnx.
spudart: Slushie snow and boots
spudart: I like how mini pathways are carved in the snow for bus boarding
spudart: My boots on bus
spudart: It's funny carrying a big umbrella around on such a sunny beautiful day
spudart: Don't touch the bedbug
spudart: This shoe is a poster, inspired by listening at the poster gig talk with @theastrolabe
spudart: Pano of freshly painted tunnel of CTA red line Grand station
spudart: Leaves pretending to be a brick
spudart: What should the doggy have in his circle?