jenifer lake: sprout february necklace of the month sneak peek
jenifer lake: february necklace of the month - jennifer judd-mcgee
jenifer lake: sprout studio + jennifer judd-mcgee
jenifer lake: sprout studio + jennifer judd-mcgee
jenifer lake: mati mcdonough & sprout studio editions
jenifer lake: mati mcdonough & sprout studio editions
jenifer lake: mati mcdonough & sprout studio editions
jenifer lake: mati mcdonough & sprout studio editions
jenifer lake: mati mcdonough & sprout studio editions
jenifer lake: necklace of the month, ms march - kate durkin!
jenifer lake: april necklace of the month
jenifer lake: catia chien, our may lady
jenifer lake: catia chien, our may lady
jenifer lake: catia chien, our may lady
jenifer lake: catia chien, our may lady
jenifer lake: catia chien, our may lady
jenifer lake: june - lisa congdon
jenifer lake: august - christine haynes; necklace of the month
jenifer lake: september - diana fayt; necklace of the month
jenifer lake: october - annie galvin; necklace of the month
jenifer lake: january 2011 sprout studio collab with andrea jenkins/hula