sprizee: Bucca
sprizee: Leaving The Aristocrats
sprizee: Classy people outside Bucca's
sprizee: Tibadoh and Sally
sprizee: Todd's package
sprizee: Wheelson and Seth and part of Todd's arm
sprizee: Flip Flops and Jeans. Hot.
sprizee: Seth and Todd. Life Partners.
sprizee: Todd and Sally
sprizee: Still Retarded Todd and Sally
sprizee: Devil Sally and Tibadoh
sprizee: Squid's gift
sprizee: Wine and paper menus. Classy.
sprizee: Trillian is dumb...like love.
sprizee: Dude!
sprizee: Seth's homemade gift
sprizee: Wheelson's Gift which also doubles as a weapon
sprizee: Put on your party hat like it's your birthday
sprizee: 3 Liters of Wine
sprizee: The Dude's Posse
sprizee: Space Needle, The Dude and The Goods
sprizee: Space Needle, The Dude and The Goods
sprizee: Wheelson checking out the lucious Hostess factory
sprizee: The Dude and Wheelson near the Hostess Factory
sprizee: Paper Lamps
sprizee: Sandcastles at Westlake
sprizee: Sandcastles at Westlake
sprizee: Sand Moving Truck
sprizee: It was somebody's birthday on Sunday and that somebody wasn't me.