springtree road: DPNs of death 020
springtree road: DPNs of death 011
springtree road: DPNs of death 014
springtree road: v blue hat 155
springtree road: v blue hat 004
springtree road: v blue hat 003
springtree road: v blue hat 001
springtree road: v the latest hat
springtree road: my second knitting project
springtree road: scarf 153
springtree road: knitting project three 010
springtree road: knitting project three 015
springtree road: v project 4 053
springtree road: v project 4 046
springtree road: v project 4 003
springtree road: v project 4 087
springtree road: the silly face
springtree road: hand knits :)
springtree road: the happy face
springtree road: hand knits :)
springtree road: hand knits :)
springtree road: the mad face
springtree road: hand knits :)
springtree road: hand knits :)
springtree road: hmmm...what's in here?
springtree road: 4 squares for blankie! hurrah!
springtree road: lovely colors to make up blankie
springtree road: long live blankie!
springtree road: mittens for my kitten 004