springhawk: and where I am with mine cross stitch at the moment
springhawk: my progress since yesterday morning:)
springhawk: Homewards WIP
springhawk: Homewards WIP
springhawk: crazy grey part I just finished:)
springhawk: just a comparisom with the previous pic of how promisingly it looks
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: adding layers:)
springhawk: I grew up with soldiers, I learned how to die long ago
springhawk: progress
springhawk: weekly update:)
springhawk: weekly update:)
springhawk: OMG I almost gave it away!(weekly update:)
springhawk: weekly update:)
springhawk: weekly update:)
springhawk: weekly update:)
springhawk: I wans't originally about to post this weekly update...
springhawk: and what I've just started:)))
springhawk: the 'mice' cross stitch form last year's September
springhawk: the 'mice' cross stitch form last year's September
springhawk: the 'mice' cross stitch form last year's September
springhawk: the 'mice' cross stitch form last year's September