springhawk: introducing baby Pixie
springhawk: I'm growing up!
springhawk: better side of a cage
springhawk: climb to the stars
springhawk: Pixie on my bed
springhawk: going for a walk
springhawk: hi, mouse. I know you
springhawk: being good host
springhawk: where are you?
springhawk: furball
springhawk: another photo?
springhawk: home sweet home
springhawk: checking reserves
springhawk: model Pixie
springhawk: my house my castle
springhawk: do not disturb, I'm thinking
springhawk: I'm tired of you taking photos!
springhawk: where do I hide
springhawk: a would-be photographer
springhawk: always in motion Pixie is
springhawk: Pixie-the sofa destoyer
springhawk: the winner
springhawk: posing! Pixie