hsspringfieldtownship: Senior Thesis Ideas bandying about
hsspringfieldtownship: Maya diligently volunteering!
hsspringfieldtownship: Maya at Work
hsspringfieldtownship: Dorothy gets ready
hsspringfieldtownship: Dan makes his proposal
hsspringfieldtownship: Dylan and Ray catch up on some reading
hsspringfieldtownship: Matt's turn to pitch
hsspringfieldtownship: students listening to Surya Pakzad
hsspringfieldtownship: group project
hsspringfieldtownship: Ameila and friend
hsspringfieldtownship: Jamie tries the back knobber
hsspringfieldtownship: working in the library Moday morning
hsspringfieldtownship: describing the egg drop plan
hsspringfieldtownship: twilight group
hsspringfieldtownship: duel in the hall