spottyscope2012: Frozen grass, Iceland - Nov 12
spottyscope2012: Volcanic rock, Vik, Iceland - Oct 12
spottyscope2012: Wild teasel
spottyscope2012: Roseisle beach
spottyscope2012: River - Braemar
spottyscope2012: Cascading water - Braemar
spottyscope2012: Field of Teasel
spottyscope2012: Lapland lake
spottyscope2012: Lapland waterfall
spottyscope2012: Rowan tree - Finland
spottyscope2012: Balmoral Castle
spottyscope2012: Earth turned to stone
spottyscope2012: Cascading water at Pallas fell
spottyscope2012: Autumn colours in Lapland
spottyscope2012: Loch Morlich
spottyscope2012: Frozen lake