spottiewattie17: emma 0202
spottiewattie17: emma 0200
spottiewattie17: scandale fell 0174
spottiewattie17: Queen's Head
spottiewattie17: Dougie and friend
spottiewattie17: half finished
spottiewattie17: the gang
spottiewattie17: Loughrigg Fell
spottiewattie17: Loughrigg Fell
spottiewattie17: Loughrigg Fell
spottiewattie17: Loughrigg Fell
spottiewattie17: Loughrigg Fell
spottiewattie17: scandale fell
spottiewattie17: ambleside
spottiewattie17: tree 0218
spottiewattie17: 2 trees 0216
spottiewattie17: green door 0211
spottiewattie17: troutbeck 0209
spottiewattie17: loughrigg fell 0207
spottiewattie17: tree 0206
spottiewattie17: gate 0205
spottiewattie17: path 0204
spottiewattie17: emma 0199
spottiewattie17: heidi's 0194
spottiewattie17: herdwick 0189
spottiewattie17: scandale fell 0178