spottiewattie17: gospel hall 8194
spottiewattie17: derwent water 8202 bw
spottiewattie17: derwent water 8203 bw
spottiewattie17: derwent water 8206 bw
spottiewattie17: freddie garside 8211
spottiewattie17: stranger #55 - freddie 8208
spottiewattie17: breasts are best
spottiewattie17: Front door
spottiewattie17: the lord's day 8195
spottiewattie17: the alhambra 8196
spottiewattie17: st john street hall 8197
spottiewattie17: requires modernisation 8198
spottiewattie17: osprey view point 8215
spottiewattie17: big sky 8217
spottiewattie17: loweswater 8222