Sparrow881: Candle Glow
Sparrow881: manly arm
Sparrow881: The Old Phones
Sparrow881: Advertisement B&W w/Red
Sparrow881: Another Mouse Pad
Sparrow881: Act II B&W w/Blue
Sparrow881: Wierd Poster
Sparrow881: Full Fridge
Sparrow881: Pretzels & The Computer
Sparrow881: The Gift table
Sparrow881: Sam Carter,
Sparrow881: Hydrangeas
Sparrow881: The Scarlet Bra
Sparrow881: Lightning
Sparrow881: Th cold floor
Sparrow881: Nasty dirty keyboard
Sparrow881: Titrilac gets me thru the day
Sparrow881: My DirecTV
Sparrow881: 1-800-Directv
Sparrow881: The pretty graphics
Sparrow881: Mi Reflejo
Sparrow881: In the men's room...
Sparrow881: Notice the Pretenders..
Sparrow881: This USED to be a ballroom..
Sparrow881: The pretty Bud sign
Sparrow881: Red Bull Bar Tables/Mixing board
Sparrow881: Birds in Turkey
Sparrow881: The Car in front
Sparrow881: I love this song!