Sparrow881: I chopped off 6 inches or more.. I lost track. This is my hair unstyled
Sparrow881: Used a powdered volumizer on my hair at the roots. :)
Sparrow881: We like to cuddle
Sparrow881: Goodnight everybody! Bed time! (I hope I dont get interrupted by babies tonight - one can hope)
Sparrow881: I really want fresh bread but don't wanna make it. I just know as soon as I start making it, my girls will be all over the place and William will wake up. Oh well, have a longing duck face instead
Sparrow881: Time for bed I suppose. As soon as man-man (William) falls asleep...
Sparrow881: Just call me Kissy McDuckface
Sparrow881: This is what a #headache looks like... #migraine
Sparrow881: Trying everything to get rid of this #migraine #headache
Sparrow881: They need to make these for adult noses! My head is so stuffed up and my #headache is due in part to my sinuses. Seriously, I need the snot sucked outta my nose! (I'll bet it feels like your brains getting sucked out)
Sparrow881: So.... Hi. Took with #hipstamatic #johns lens
Sparrow881: I think I was #monalisa in a previous life.
Sparrow881: Woohoo! Going to bed early and with no headache!
Sparrow881: About to kick back and noticed, man I could use a pedicure for my tired #feet
Sparrow881: Oops don't tell the hubby (@cgoodpas) that I'm wearing his favorite shirt! Muah haha!!!
Sparrow881: I'm mad my camera won't auto-focus on close ups any more! #damniphone
Sparrow881: In the darkness of the night, I still can see the light
Sparrow881: Crying for my young Uncle Dave who would have had his 52nd birthday on Tuesday. I tried not to think about it too much that day since it is also my husband's birthday. I could hold the tears back no longer when I was changing my 7 month old's diaper. I l
Sparrow881: Goodnight everyone. I think.
Sparrow881: Happy birthday to me :) I am 30 and not ashamed to say so because I get mistaken for younger all. the. time.
Sparrow881: Thanks Katy for the necklace! :)
Sparrow881: Cuddles with Lala (Ella) makes me happy. @killerotter
Sparrow881: Fries in muh mouf... "I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night"
Sparrow881: Can't see me? 'cause I'm knitting in the dark half naked on my bed. Yup. It's hot in here, I gotta keep the light at a minimum b/c hubby and baby William are sleeping and I'm waiting up to make sure all babies are settled. What can I say? I'm a mom.
Sparrow881: I had a feeling my night wasn't quite over. Call it #momtuition
Sparrow881: Rockin' the #combover or "#thebieber"
Sparrow881: Just a couple of fatties cuddling! My chin looks crazy! #quakerparrot #Quaker #parakeet #parrot #bird #petstagraml