★lex: Pink sunglasses
★lex: Stars on my shirt
★lex: I love this shirt
★lex: being in white mood
★lex: : )
★lex: Almost smiling
★lex: Selfpicture #1
★lex: Matrix elevator
★lex: Today I'm green
★lex: I love driving
★lex: Doors
★lex: Striped
★lex: Sequence of me
★lex: Sequence of me
★lex: Sequence of me
★lex: Me
★lex: Today I'm blue
★lex: how to disappear completely?
★lex: selfportrait with vynil
★lex: dark green attitude
★lex: bones
★lex: serenity is a weapon
★lex: unfriendly looking at the camera
★lex: silver elevator
★lex: and this is picture n°
★lex: happy halloween > : )
★lex: trees-as-hair-as-brain-as-tree
★lex: summer bit
★lex: water cycling
★lex: personal landscape