★lex: "Wooow"
★lex: Erroneo in a bag
★lex: Reason doesn't like D'nB
★lex: Guma's shelter
★lex: He knows a pink nose is a hit
★lex: Erroneo is not going to attack
★lex: Reason is cute
★lex: Reason wearing yellow eyes
★lex: Lovely cats
★lex: Ciro and a wheel
★lex: Reason looks great on red
★lex: Erroneo on tuesday
★lex: la red de Reason
★lex: Tomás on the grass
★lex: Summer nap
★lex: Lunch time
★lex: Reason
★lex: the cutest cat ever
★lex: Suspicious mind
★lex: lovely tomás is back
★lex: Nico
★lex: Tino (Gatino)
★lex: my smooth cat
★lex: cat domain
★lex: When Erroneo moved in
★lex: entering the scene
★lex: too boring for a cat like me
★lex: too boring for a cat like me II
★lex: contemplative cats know what they do
★lex: contemplative cats know what they do