★lex: The day I threw all my cds on the floor.
★lex: The day I finally piled my cds up.
★lex: Bauhaus Button
★lex: Blue Bubled Ball
★lex: Spacial ashtray from Berlin
★lex: Way out can
★lex: Spanish tiny can
★lex: Where?
★lex: = )
★lex: Personal flower garden
★lex: Nobody loves bats
★lex: Telephone is available from 9
★lex: It's been raining for a while
★lex: I bet you can't climb it
★lex: Pink Post-it
★lex: :) ESPACIO FELIZ =)
★lex: Planta Baja
★lex: DSC00700_1
★lex: The Inhouse Lounge Bar
★lex: The lucky elf
★lex: They go everywhere
★lex: My brand new chopsticks
★lex: Foamy clouds
★lex: my smooth cat
★lex: Dos anclas - Two anchors
★lex: he is a very stylish cat
★lex: Lennon late tribute
★lex: summer bit
★lex: buenos aires pop hot
★lex: mission