spookylibrarian: first forays into mosaic, part 1
spookylibrarian: Do not eat the grout
spookylibrarian: mosaic 3
spookylibrarian: mosaic 4
spookylibrarian: mosaic 5
spookylibrarian: top of lion statue
spookylibrarian: winged lion statue with mosaic
spookylibrarian: mosaic for 2nd lion statue
spookylibrarian: I reject your reality and substitute my own!
spookylibrarian: lion, fixed up a bit
spookylibrarian: mosaic table legs
spookylibrarian: mosaic table legs
spookylibrarian: mosaic table legs
spookylibrarian: tabletop in progress
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, 2nd night
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, night 3
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, night 4
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, night 5
spookylibrarian: tabletop, night 6
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, night 7
spookylibrarian: tabletop progress, day 8
spookylibrarian: table top progress, night 9
spookylibrarian: finished Cthulhu table
spookylibrarian: table sides and legs
spookylibrarian: table top
spookylibrarian: final fixes
spookylibrarian: cthulhu in mottled sun and shade
spookylibrarian: mosaic tray
spookylibrarian: Mosaic - cabinet door
spookylibrarian: Cabinet door mosaic in progress