spongebabyalwaysfull: Mirror mirror on the ceiling
spongebabyalwaysfull: Accidentally clear
spongebabyalwaysfull: Snow, water and water vapour
spongebabyalwaysfull: "心如明鏡台,時時勤拂拭" "本來無一物,何處惹塵埃"
spongebabyalwaysfull: Time to wash the window
spongebabyalwaysfull: Reflections
spongebabyalwaysfull: Mirror mirror
spongebabyalwaysfull: On the train
spongebabyalwaysfull: Close to the ground
spongebabyalwaysfull: NTU folk dance performance 3
spongebabyalwaysfull: Taipei City Mall
spongebabyalwaysfull: Italian day
spongebabyalwaysfull: Mirror mirror