Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Keegan Sauder ollie the junk yard kicker
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Chad Bartie Backside wallride the barrier
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: John Rattray Nose manny the I-Beam Manny Pad
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Ryan Sheckler back 180 the curb cut
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Rider Meeting
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: David Gonzalez cruising
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Ryan Decenzo kickflip the bump to bar
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: John Rattray kickflip the Dumpster gap to Scaffolding
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: David Gravette kickflip the scaffolding to container gap
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Ryan Sheckler HUGE Indy 360 from the dumpster to the scaffolding
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Zered Bassett with a huge Switch Flip over the junk yard kicker
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Dave Bachinsky Ollie over the Toyota Prius
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Garret Hill Back 50-50 No-Comply off of the Flatbed
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: John Rattray Kickflip the junk yard kicker
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Results of the 1st ever Dew Tour Street Style Contest: 1st Ryan Sheckler 2nd Milton Martinez 3rd David Gravette
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Bump to Bar and Storage Container to Car!
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Dave Bachinsky prepping for the Flatbed Gap
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Curb cuts and hydrants
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Felix Arguelles checking the course
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: I-Beam manny pad and rail
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Container to Flatbed Gap Ender with a view
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: David Gravette Backside 360 Dumpster Gap to Scaffolding
Spohn Ranch Skateparks: Manny Santiago frontside flip the junk yard kicker