splityarn: 1/365
splityarn: End of the month in a car dealership is bonkers. 2/365
splityarn: Spinning out the knits 3/365
splityarn: Charging up to bring out the big one 6/365
splityarn: Dusting off the cobwebs 7/365
splityarn: Tree is coming down 8/365
splityarn: 16451 Steps Today 9/365
splityarn: Weekend cookie planning 10/365
splityarn: Pretty maids all in a row. 11/365
splityarn: Lemon Sugar Cookies! 12/365
splityarn: Sifting flour 13/365
splityarn: THC lotion is my best friend 14/365
splityarn: Ice Cream blended Grasshopper with Fernet? 16/365
splityarn: Replacements and filling in some bar gaps. 19/365
splityarn: What the cookies see 20/365
splityarn: This one? or that one? 22/365
splityarn: Teeny tiny cocktail props 24/365
splityarn: Reflections at work 25/365
splityarn: Snowy work day 23/365
splityarn: Cocktail project at the Green Room 26/365
splityarn: A little MST3K to finish the weekend 27/365
splityarn: I spend a ridiculous amount of time at work on the phone with insurance agencies. 28/365
splityarn: Cram jam full in the shop 29/365
splityarn: Cleaning off the snow on a perfect bluebird day 30/365
splityarn: Tiki night at Kaiju! 31/365