splityarn: Sock Summit day 1 (365.2.230)
splityarn: Sock Summit day 2 (365.2.231)
splityarn: Sock Summit day 3 (365.2.232)
splityarn: Sock Summit day 4 (365.2.233)
splityarn: Sock Summit day 5 (365.2.234)
splityarn: warning
splityarn: the booth, day 1
splityarn: Sarah, inventor of magic loop
splityarn: Heather Ordover!
splityarn: Laura and Star Athena
splityarn: Amy!
splityarn: Knitting RN
splityarn: blogging Lucy Neatby
splityarn: That Crafty Girl!
splityarn: Yarnissima!
splityarn: Leslie!
splityarn: I'm totes in love with Jennie the Potter
splityarn: in the wild!
splityarn: Elli and Christy
splityarn: Sheep in the City
splityarn: knitmore girls!
splityarn: Karie was a raffle winner
splityarn: Wonder Mike!
splityarn: Mum works on a test sock