splityarn: neither hip nor funky (365.316)
splityarn: So cute.
splityarn: splityarn strap in the wild
splityarn: splityarn strap in the wild
splityarn: splityarn strap in the wild
splityarn: D is the hostess
splityarn: Sad, flat Christy can't drink that Hefe
splityarn: reflected (365.317)
splityarn: Frick is a blog stalker.
splityarn: mmmm, mimosa
splityarn: Yep, Kellee's still got it.
splityarn: Elinor makes the happy mitten face
splityarn: Nova shoots me back
splityarn: mittens!
splityarn: mittens!
splityarn: I make the happy mitten face (365.318)
splityarn: Ashley
splityarn: Diana
splityarn: Minty
splityarn: Danielle
splityarn: skin the rabbit
splityarn: Fall on the common
splityarn: Kellee shoots at the pond
splityarn: more fall
splityarn: Pam
splityarn: May all your friends
splityarn: Teek loves his new orange sproingy thing
splityarn: wahoo! (365.320)
splityarn: The Merion Mittens