lorac's: studio hammers and some saws..
lorac's: Tall Lean and accurate
lorac's: welding rods in cans and helmut 3
lorac's: The Welded Tool Box, emptied 1
lorac's: drill bits, taps and chisels
lorac's: taps, rust and webs
lorac's: bits and taps
lorac's: MTD & Co. taps
lorac's: Files, saw blades and miscellany
lorac's: welding rods in cans and Helmut
lorac's: welding rods in cans and helmut 2
lorac's: Bits and Taps in wood
lorac's: Wall Tool Box with 4 Square
lorac's: Welding cables and helmet 1
lorac's: One of my favorite machines at the shop. An elegant and venerable working gent
lorac's: Milling around
lorac's: Bee Line
lorac's: drill press detail
lorac's: work circle
lorac's: bee line squared
lorac's: found objects and sculpture parts
lorac's: Boat lifter
lorac's: working orbit
lorac's: Studio stone tools, w/o the poem
lorac's: One of my favorite machines at the shop. An elegant and venerable working gent
lorac's: You look worried.
lorac's: A few of my favorite things..., just kidding.
lorac's: Relief