shrimpylarue: Brass Band outside McCarren Park Pool
shrimpylarue: Brass Band outside McCarren Park Pool II
shrimpylarue: Puerto Rican block party/parade
shrimpylarue: Puerto Rican block party/parade
shrimpylarue: little beauty queens
shrimpylarue: little soldiers
shrimpylarue: little soldiers II
shrimpylarue: big pimp'n
shrimpylarue: little beauty queens II
shrimpylarue: Marching in the Danger Party, Summer '07
shrimpylarue: Williamsburg Mural
shrimpylarue: mermaid day parade dress rehearsal part II
shrimpylarue: mermaid day parade dress rehearsal
shrimpylarue: hope street
shrimpylarue: curved window bars
shrimpylarue: mural III
shrimpylarue: mural II, close-up
shrimpylarue: last of the snow, and light streaming
shrimpylarue: williamsburgh steeple
shrimpylarue: doubled cruc.
shrimpylarue: night diner
shrimpylarue: on the walk home
shrimpylarue: Fleur fore
shrimpylarue: World of pain
shrimpylarue: Blue/ Red straddle
shrimpylarue: Wonder Wheel