Spleencheesemonkey: 01/30. Planning the plot.
Spleencheesemonkey: 04/30. But he's so handsome!
Spleencheesemonkey: 06/30. Virus.
Spleencheesemonkey: 08/04. Come on old boy.
Spleencheesemonkey: 09/04. Put the kettle on.
Spleencheesemonkey: 10/04. If I fits I sits.
Spleencheesemonkey: 13/04. "But I showered last week!"
Spleencheesemonkey: 17/04. Fixer Upper
Spleencheesemonkey: 18/04. Flight of the Navigator.
Spleencheesemonkey: 20/04. Feets.
Spleencheesemonkey: 22/04. Locked gate.
Spleencheesemonkey: 23/04. Hard evidence.
Spleencheesemonkey: 24/04. Schnozz.
Spleencheesemonkey: 28/04. Lanhill Longbarrow
Spleencheesemonkey: 30/30. Heart of stone (or cat litter).