Splatzone2011: Sumela Manastiri
Splatzone2011: Ochlodes venata - Groot dikkopje - Large Skipper
Splatzone2011: Coenonympha arcania - Tweekleurig hooibeestje - Pearly Heath
Splatzone2011: Sumela Manastiri
Splatzone2011: Aquilegia spp
Splatzone2011: Erebia medusa - Voorjaarserebia - Woodland Ringlet
Splatzone2011: Spialia orbifer - Oostelijk kalkgraslanddikkopje - Orbed Red-underwing Skipper
Splatzone2011: Melitaea didyma - Tweekleurige parelmoervlinder - Spotted Fritillary
Splatzone2011: Flowery meadow and a stream in the Çoruh Valley
Splatzone2011: Chazara persephone - Great Steppe Grayling
Splatzone2011: Melitaea persea - Persean Fritilary
Splatzone2011: Polyommatus aedon
Splatzone2011: A stream is often a great spot for finding butterflies
Splatzone2011: Lycaena alciphron - Violette Vuurvlinder - Purple-shot Copper
Splatzone2011: A congregation of butterflies
Splatzone2011: Çoruh Valley - Turkey
Splatzone2011: Hipparchia syriaca - Balkanboswachter - Eastern Rock Grayling
Splatzone2011: Satyrium spini - Wegedoornpage - Blue Spot Hairstreak
Splatzone2011: View from our balcony
Splatzone2011: High Pontics
Splatzone2011: Pieris Krueperi - Schildzaadwitje - Krueper's Small White
Splatzone2011: The Çoruh river near Ispir
Splatzone2011: Euphydryas aurinia - Moerasparelmoervlinder - Marsh Fritilary
Splatzone2011: Scarce Swallowtail in good company
Splatzone2011: Are you able to find different 8 species in this photo?
Splatzone2011: Polyommatus coelestina - Kobaltblauwtje - Pontic Blue
Splatzone2011: Plebejus argus - Heideblauwtje - Silver-studded Blue
Splatzone2011: A charming collection
Splatzone2011: Threesome
Splatzone2011: Satyrium ledereri - Duizendknooppage - Orange-banded Hairstreak