splatgirl: pocket fabric1
splatgirl: pocket bag placed and opening marked 2
splatgirl: pocket bag stitched to lining 3
splatgirl: welt slit cut 4
splatgirl: pocket bag turned to inside 5
splatgirl: pressing down 6
splatgirl: folding back over 7
splatgirl: first welt edge right side 8
splatgirl: repeat with bottom of pocket bag 9
splatgirl: wrong side view of pressed welt 10
splatgirl: welt ready to topstitch 11
splatgirl: finished welt topstitched 12
splatgirl: back side of welt topstitched 13
splatgirl: finished front with tab applied 14
splatgirl: stitched and pinked pocket bag 15
splatgirl: finished pocket bag front and back 16
splatgirl: finished welt pocket