SpitMcGee: Meister Adebar
SpitMcGee: Jahresringe
SpitMcGee: _leselust
SpitMcGee: Hast du die Wahl zwischen zwei Büchern,
SpitMcGee: _so cute....,-))
SpitMcGee: _Ei, Ei....,-))
SpitMcGee: Coffee break with Lizzi
SpitMcGee: _a few weeks ago on a hike...
SpitMcGee: _ripe
SpitMcGee: _my most beautiful fur nose
SpitMcGee: _pffff....
SpitMcGee: _Allium
SpitMcGee: _come, dance with me
SpitMcGee: _Wiesenstück
SpitMcGee: _Swizzle-stick
SpitMcGee: _invitation to coffee
SpitMcGee: _framed
SpitMcGee: _broken heart
SpitMcGee: _late afternoon
SpitMcGee: _chives, flavor in straws
SpitMcGee: _Lizzi
SpitMcGee: _knitting, the new yoga
SpitMcGee: _keep smiling....,-))
SpitMcGee: _Spring is coming
SpitMcGee: _blue beauty
SpitMcGee: _LOVE is in the air
SpitMcGee: _my little girl
SpitMcGee: _a warm welcome
SpitMcGee: _sound of the sea
SpitMcGee: _Europa