..: fokuspoint photography :..: 80:365 - view across the Potomac
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 79:365 - my little sunshine
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 78:365 - a cornered fence
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 77:365 - bent over
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 76:365 - iPhone does Panorama
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 75:365 - the blue in the sky
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 74:365 - dressed for success
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 73:365 - Shana Tova
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 72:365 - I'm looking right at you
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 70:365 - designated parking
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 69:365 - essentials
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 68:365 - from a different world
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 66:365 - baptist church at duke and west
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 65:365 - mayhem at the grocery store
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 64:365 - my new ride
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 63:365 - a different way to see the known
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 62:365 - fish taco
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 60:365 - cold like a cucumber
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 59:365 - what's happening?
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 58:365 - means of transportation
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 57:365 - keeping it together
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 56:365 - sweet temptation
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 55:365 - bleuettes
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 54:365 - The cat on the counter
..: fokuspoint photography :..: 52:365 - red, delicious, raspberry