Spirit of Boz: Ombres (3) : L'échelle (Shadows (3) : The Ladder)
Spirit of Boz: Ombres (2) : Barbelés (Shadows (2) : Barbeles)
Spirit of Boz: Ombres 1 : Squelette (Shadows 1 : Skeleton)
Spirit of Boz: The Innocents (detail)
Spirit of Boz: Jack Balance's Cage
Spirit of Boz: "Innocents" visited
Spirit of Boz: Jack Balance
Spirit of Boz: Rage de Liberté
Spirit of Boz: Mémoire vive
Spirit of Boz: Innocence sacrifiée
Spirit of Boz: Définir la métaphysique
Spirit of Boz: Les Innocents (detail)
Spirit of Boz: Reading...
Spirit of Boz: Visiting innocents
Spirit of Boz: visiting the Innocents
Spirit of Boz: Visiting Julien Friedler's Innocents
Spirit of Boz: Innocents (detail)
Spirit of Boz: Jack Balance
Spirit of Boz: visiting "The Innocents"
Spirit of Boz: Les Innocents
Spirit of Boz: "The end of time"
Spirit of Boz: "The end of time" - during the performance
Spirit of Boz: "The End of Time" - performance