spiralflmz: abandoned barn, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned barn, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned barn, MN3
spiralflmz: abandoned barn, MN2
spiralflmz: wright county MN barn11
spiralflmz: wright county MN abandoned barn
spiralflmz: wright county, MN...abandoned house
spiralflmz: Wright County, MN...barn2
spiralflmz: Wright County, MN...barn
spiralflmz: wright co, MN...dilapidated1
spiralflmz: wright co, MN...dilapidated2
spiralflmz: wright co, MN...dilapidated2 (detail)
spiralflmz: wright co, MN...dilapidated3
spiralflmz: wright co, MN...dilapidated3 (detail)
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain1...wright co, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain2...wright co, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain2...wright co, MN (detail2)
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain3...wright co, MN (detail1)
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain3...wright co, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain3...wright co, MN (detail1)
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain3...wright co, MN (detail2)
spiralflmz: abandoned and even sadder in rain4...wright co, MN
spiralflmz: abandoned settlers' house, wright co MN
spiralflmz: former barn2...fallen since last year...dust to dust :-(...wright co MN
spiralflmz: former barn...fallen since last year...dust to dust :-(...wright co MN
spiralflmz: abandoned house near fallen barn, wright co MN2
spiralflmz: abandoned house near fallen barn, wright co MN2 (detail)
spiralflmz: abandoned house near fallen barn, wright co MN1
spiralflmz: former barn...fallen since last year...dust to dust :-(...wright co MN2
spiralflmz: former barn2...fallen since last year...dust to dust :-(...wright co MN1...detail