spinster sister: Hello Winter!
spinster sister: A Frosty Friend
spinster sister: Spinning Leaves
spinster sister: Super Cape
spinster sister: School Bag
spinster sister: Clyde's Happy Place
spinster sister: Bridge Building
spinster sister: We're cookin' now!
spinster sister: Future Woodworker of America
spinster sister: Tag You're It!
spinster sister: Popeye--he's a fan.
spinster sister: Swedish Chef
spinster sister: IMG_2460
spinster sister: The Other Popeye
spinster sister: A Rainbow of Happiness
spinster sister: The Stache
spinster sister: Coraline
spinster sister: Rainbow in progress
spinster sister: Into the Corn
spinster sister: IMG_2359
spinster sister: IMG_2286
spinster sister: Apple Picking
spinster sister: Apple Picking
spinster sister: Apple Picking