spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Lincoln Memorial and a Bored Softball Player
spinfly: White House and Tourists and Softball Players
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Site of the Future National Museum of African American History & Culture
spinfly: Site of the Future National Museum of African American History & Culture
spinfly: United States Capitol and Squatting Tourists
spinfly: Washington Monument with Scaffolding
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: White House and Tourists and Cops
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated and Moon
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated and Moon
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated and Moon
spinfly: Why is the Washington Monument Temporarily Closed?
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated
spinfly: Washington Monument Illuminated