rick: This is why I don't mind layovers.
rick: Crab Cake Sandwich at CLT
rick: Then I tried to take pictures of airplanes
rick: Charlotte in the background
rick: US Airways Express
rick: Danielle drives us from mom's place to hers.
rick: Wrapped Fruit Bouquet
rick: A gift basket from one of my sister's friends, I presume.
rick: I'm not sure what these sweets were made of, but they were pretty spectactular.
rick: flowers
rick: Edible Arrangment sent by Colette
rick: Edible Arrangement
rick: fruit from the edible arrangement
rick: special shoes for special feet
rick: on our way to pick up mom
rick: Milward Funeral Directors
rick: Funeral Home Hallway
rick: Funeral Home Lobby
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift
rick: floral gift