rick: at the bar
rick: Dragon Scales
rick: wings
rick: Spicy Tuna Tempura Roll
rick: Once again, I cannot remember the name of this one. I think it starts with a 'Y', but it translates to "Snow Flower Roll" I think. Or maybe it's "Snow Flake Roll". I'm not sure.
rick: compliments of the chef - I'm not sure what this was.
rick: compliments of the chef - this was a cube of pork in some kind of bland mush. He said it's a traditional dish he stole from the Iron Chef.
rick: This friendly group at the bar ordered a lot of food and got really drunk.
rick: compliments of the chef - Otoro (I think). This was a dense piece of toro that is supposedly very expensive. The guy sitting nearby at the bar explained what it is and said 'otoro, not regular toro.'