spindledreams: TC black palm and ebony medium
spindledreams: TC black palm medium and PI medium
spindledreams: DSCN1073
spindledreams: Another shot of the Mystery Turkish
spindledreams: odd shaft and arm arrangement
spindledreams: notched arms
spindledreams: Room cleaning find
spindledreams: TC silk spindle and medium turkish
spindledreams: Threadthrustime spalted tamerin tiny
spindledreams: TC tiny and medium turkish
spindledreams: TC tiny turkish splated tamerin and ebony
spindledreams: TC medium turkish in action
spindledreams: TC medium turkish in action 2
spindledreams: yorkieslave crested pigeon N TC medium
spindledreams: slowly growing 2
spindledreams: slowly growing
spindledreams: TC medium Pink Ivory N Cherry
spindledreams: Threadsthrutime medium turkish
spindledreams: spanish peacock and threadsthrutime mid
spindledreams: SP Ebony and Pink Ivory TC Cherry and Pink Ivory Medium
spindledreams: Theena admires the Turkish
spindledreams: TC medium N Valkyrie N Spanish Peacock
spindledreams: Theena Likes my Turkish
spindledreams: alexa with small turkish
spindledreams: look how small
spindledreams: cherry Valkyrie
spindledreams: Jenkins mark
spindledreams: Jenkins Delight big leaf maple 14grams
spindledreams: Threadsthrutime N Jenkins
spindledreams: sp turkish pi and ebony